YALLA Custom Bags

Concept for a Milwaukee-based custom bag company called YALLA.  

YALLA is unique in the market as the only custom bag company with a philanthropic arm. Following the likes of TOMS and Yum Butter, for every bag purchased, YALLA will donate one messenger bag or backpack to a Syrian refugee in need. When refugees must flee their homes due to war, terror, and/or persecution, they take with them very few precious personal items.   YALLA strives to provide a durable bag and a pledge of solidarity to those affected by the civil war in Syria. 

My work as a Refugee Youth Coordinator for 2.5 years for the Chicago-based refugee resettlement organization, RefugeeOne, directly influenced the heart, soul, and design of this company's branding. I believe it is the responsibility of all consumers to seek out and support companies that strive to improve their communities at home and abroad.