H E L L O !    G O O D  D A Y !   W E L C O M E ! 

I am a Designer based in beautiful Milwaukee, WI.  

I spent my earliest professional years as a coordinator in refugee resettlement, as a teacher in Mexico, and as a recruiter in higher education before returning to school to pursue design.  It took me years to realize that behind my love of intricate textile patterns, irresistible food packaging, provocative typography, seamless web user experiences, gorgeous UI and UX that makes me skip around the kitchen was a crafty, creative UX/UI/graphic designer. Call them whatever fits the trend, but a designer that understands the intricacies of human emotion and what drives them AND also makes the interface beautiful and totally usable? I call that a magician. 

Take a gander at my resume. 

Interested in working together? Drop me a line.